MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Patrick McCaslin, MFT

I used two other study programs and TDC was more accurate with what the exam tested and the practice exams, mock test, etc. were almost identical to the actual exam questions.

Marie Bassil, MFT

Using TDC was key to passing my exams and becoming a licensed therapist! Thank you so much for helping me through this journey!

Kara Vesely, MFT

TDC is a great program!

Pattye L. Cruz,

Thank you Amanda and my coach, Robin! During the exam I wondered if I should I raise my hand and make sure they gave me the right exam because it was so easy! I finished in plenty of time and only changed 2 answers during my review. This program thoroughly helped me know not just what to study but more importantly, HOW to reason on the exam. I will definitely use your program for the Clinical Exam.

Amanda L. Ashworth, MFT

I passed the CA MFT Clinical Exam the first time thanks to this program! I could not have done it without the lectures, practice exams, and quick study guides! Even my anxiety was drastically decreased which allowed me to focus and slam it out!