MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Henry P. Flores,

Last year I attempted the Standard Exam using old Grossman material and I failed. A co worker suggested TDC so I bought it and used it. Unfortunately I failed and only got one point more. I started to doubt myself, and then I remembered Amanda saying be kind to yourself and there is a Team at TDC that is committed to having you pass. I asked for an extension and I received it. The kind words and encouragement that came from Asya were uplifting. TDC gave me access to the new exam prep for the law and ethics exam that replaced the old standard exam. I took the law and ethics exam in February and failed it. Once again Asya gave me some encouraging word and advice and I followed it. TDC once again granted me an extension and added more content. During that short break it dawned on me, TDC is committed, but am I Once I saw how much effort TDC put in and providing me added material I felt more motivated in passing. Following Amanda’s tips for studying and trusting the process was the key element that I was missing. I took the California MFT Law and Ethics exam and I passed! I will recommend this to my fellow co-workers or anyone asking for advice about study materials. TDC provides more than just the content needed, they provide support and encouragement. I will defiantly use TDC for my California Clinical Examination. Thank you.

Cindy Longoria,

TDC definitely prepared me for the Law and Ethics exam, from reducing my test anxiety to clarifying each topic and definitely being prepared for the structure of the exam. Thank you TDC!

Shannon Duell,

You guys. I think I love you. This program prepared me so freaking well for this test. Some of the scenarios were EXACTLY the same! Like the one with the client who shows up drunk to therapy and leaves. This program teaches you how to think. I am 100% using you guys when I take the clinical exam. Seriously you guys are magical. Thank you so much.

Jenah Henderson,

I felt confident and well prepared for the exam. I appreciated the coach being positive and confident in my ability to pass. Lectures reassured me and provided me with helpful tips. Thank you TDC. I will be using this program for the clinical exam.

Arman Ter Grigoryan,

The program assisted me a great deal. I saw some questions that I had practiced on the actual test. I thought the actual test was difficult; but I passed :)