MFT Exam Prep Reviews
I used Therapist Development Center at the suggestion of a colleague who used it to take the MFT Law & Ethics exam. I was determined to get the exam behind me, so I studied the materials in an intensive fashion in just one week. I listened to the audio files and typed out notes as I listened to them just as if I were listening to a lecture in class. Studying for the exam was my job eight hours a day. I knew the material like the back of my hand, yet still found the practice exam questions to be quite challenging. My scores got better with each attempt. The audio explanations of why the correct answer was the best answer was incredibly helpful when I sat for the actual exam. I found the exam to be intensive, and used all 90 minutes to complete it. Therapist Development Center prepared me thoroughly to complete the exam and taught me how to evaluate the questions and how to actually take the test. Knowing the material was important, but it was as equally important to understand the thought process behind the exam structure. I was thrilled to be handed my certificate showing I had passed the exam because when I walked out I had no idea if I had! Several things I learned: I took a snack and water, but had no time to pause and take a break, so make sure you eat and drink before going into the exam. They require you to leave all items (including snacks) outside the room. They do not stop the timer if you do take a break, even to go to the bathroom, so make sure you are prepared before you go in. Take a jacket or sweater without pockets! They will make you remove any jacket you bring with pockets, and you may get cold. I also recommend reading and taking the practice tutorial on how to take the exam before it starts which the testing center provides on their computer. Doing this saved me time when I actually started the exam as I better understood how the computer system operated. My last suggestion is BREATHE! There were moments during the exam I hit questions where I felt a little panicked. At those moments, I just took a deep breathe and slowed myself down. Therapist Development Center prepared me very very well for the exam. I love that I can pace myself at my own rate and revisit the materials as I need. I'm using it to take my licensing exam, too.
The study system developed by The Therapist Development Center is an outstanding resource. The guide is succinct and addresses all aspects in a planned and guided manner. The rationale/discussion at the end of each practice exam allows the 'student' to learn how to read and process the relevant information necessary to take the exam. While extremely nervous entering the exam site, I followed the suggestions of 'leaning-in' to not be a victim of the assessment. Thank you for the strategies presented....I will use your program when it is time for the MFT Clinical Exam.
I passed my Law and Ethics Exam on 8/26!!!! Thanks to TDC I felt prepared. I was EXTREMELY anxious about the test, and despite feeling confident about the information, I had doubts about how much I really knew when it came down to the exam. I will say that some of the questions on the exam were a bit more difficult than I expected, but I think that TDC helped me problem solve through the questions. I used my time wisely, but I kept it moving. Surprisingly, I finished the exam with 10 minutes to spare, which was not the case when I took the mock exams. I felt so confident in my answers that I did not go back and change answers or mark answers. I told myself that I would answer all the questions to the best of my abilities and thankfully it worked because I passed on my first try. There were some questions that were very similar to the ones that were on the mock exams, so those questions put me at ease. Thank you TDC! I will definitely be using this program for the clinical exam.
I just wanted to share that after waiting for test results for almost 6 weeks(!), I passed! I felt very prepared going into the exam and appreciated Robin's quick follow up to any questions I submitted as I was making my way through the study/review process.
After 6 weeks of review and studying, I passed. Thank you for the program!!