MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Sunita Roychoudhury,
TDC helped me to understand how to eliminate answers and arrive at the best option possible. It was very helpful to hear the rationale after all the mock exams. I highly recommend TDC for exam preparations. I felt very prepared for the exam.
Monica Leon,
This program helped to keep me organized, stay on target and gave me tools to help keep me positive. The studying was well structured and studying was not boring. I did not have anything to compare the reality to, but once I completed the exam, I realized how absolutely prepared I was due to the guidance and support of the TDC program. I am excited to continue with TDC as I begin to study for the Clinical exam. Thank you!
Lyndal Richard,
I have never been a very confident test taker and tend to experience a lot of anxiety. I felt very prepared with your study material and was able to go into the test believing in my knowledge and skills!
Ross Cameron Osborne,
I have had such crazy test anxiety in the past I wasn't so sure TDC could help me successfully navigate the learning curve for the Law and Ethics exam. I did everything Amanda and the staff suggested, including eating some fruit right before going into the test center. TDC works! I'll definitely use it for the clinical exam along with my new found confidence gained from passing this test. This experience has been a game changer for me. My  anxiety has turned into excitement and I'm emboldened to take the next step towards studying for the clinical. Thanks TDC.
Dr. Jane A. Akponye,
  Amanda you are an excellent teacher. The mock tests and the materials actually were direct to the test. Thank you for your help.