MFT Exam Prep Reviews
Lori Fink,
Thank you so much! I passed the exam today. Totally thought I failed too. It was hard. Definitely happy I chose this study prep. Thanks!
Cynthia De Leon, MFT
I felt that the study material and format was helpful because it helped me understand and learn about the different topics. The test tips were amazing and I relyed heavily on them throughout the entire time. This was the most difficult and challenging thing I've ever done and I'm soooo glad it's finally over! Thank you for helping me along this insane and long journey!
Ramin Nematollahi,
Thank you for your help!!! I was so prepared that almost every question I had seen before or knew how to answer. Thank you much!!
Allison Guthrie,
I have always struggled with test anxiety with standardized tests. I have had low scores on my SAT, ACT, and GRE so I was very nervous for the Law and Ethics exams. I was so pleased with the program! Amanda gave such great tips while I was studying that I was able to 'take her in the exam with me' and not only know the material, but the test as well. I used the Law and Ethics materials to study not only for my MFT L&E exam but also for my PCC L&E exam AND I PASSED BOTH! Thank you, Amanda and TDC staff!
Hilary Deckard,
I was surprised to see a few questions nearly verbatim on the test as I answered on the study guide. Of course the answer choices weren't the same, but I was concerned going in that the practice would't reflect the reality of the exam. It did! And all of the prep through this study program made the test seem almost easy!