MFT Exam Prep Reviews
Mahta Zeyghami,
Excellent study material. I loved the audios, it was very helpful. Thank you TDC for helping me pass my Law and Ethic Exam :) I highly recommend your study material.
Allison Altwer, MFT
Thank you TDC!! I passed my test on the first try! The actual test was so similar to the questions on the mock exams, so I could feel my anxiety disappear as I read the exam questions. The test was difficult because there were always two answers that sounded correct, but if you follow Amanda's tips of putting the answers in order when the questions asks 'initially' or 'first' it made narrowing down the correct answer much easier. You WILL feel like you're failing, but keep pushing through!
Catherin Alix, MFT
Thank you, Amanda, for your great study system. I would definitely recommend this to a friend. I have tried other study systems and at the end of the day all I felt was overwhelmed and discouraged. Your lectures and available printouts and study materials really streamline the info necessary to pass both exams. Thanks again for a great study system!
Valerie Williams, MFT
I selected TDC as my primary study program for the MFT CCE exam because I knew many people who passed using it. I wanted to make sure that I used a program I knew would be successful. The audio piece was really helpful to me as I have a long commute to and from work. I listened to each audio bit at least twice, took written notes, and reviewed the attachments over and over until I felt confident that I knew the material. Going into the test, I repeatedly told myself, 'You can do this Valerie' just like Amanda said. There were many moments that I felt discouraged during the test, but I just kept repeating those words. Five weeks later I received the good news that I passed and am so overjoyed. TDC and Amanda were the reasons I passed that test and I couldn't be more excited!
Lori Hunter,
I took the exam the first time after purchasing a different study program and failed. I was devastated! I really thought I knew all the material and would pass with flying colors since I had looked through several prep-material programs. It’s not that I didn’t know the material, the Therapist Development Center helps you understand how to study and what types of questions will be on the test. I am very thankful to Robin my coach. Due to not passing the first time, I was so nervous to take the test the 2nd time. Robin was so understanding and encouraging that I would pass after studying with TDC. Although I wanted to believe her I was a skeptic and emailed her questions up to the minute I was sitting in the parking lot of the test building. Thank you Robin for being so understanding and patient with me. You were right…I DID IT!!! I can’t thank Robin and Amanda enough for helping me get to the next step in my career. Hands down the BEST study material anyone can buy.