
Katherine Rodriguez, fairfield, California

Thank you for this much-needed training and for being candid about your own experiences with thoughts of suicide.

Diana Ballard, West Jordan, Utah

Wonderful course and course material. I have taken this course previously for CEU credit, and I actively use the Edge of Life model with my clients to treat suicidality. This model shapes how I am able to be comfortable and talk with clients about suicidality, understand their suffering, sit and collaborate with them, decrease risk factors, and help clients understand how and why to increase protective factors in their lives. The Edge of Life model helped me and gave me the knowledge and insight to help a specific client in the courage to live stage, just a few months ago, and I believe that this client is alive today because I was trained in this model. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to take this course again now, to refresh my skills.

Meghann Wilkens, High Point, North Carolina

I really enjoyed this TDC course. I feel much better prepared to handle suicide ideation in an appropriate and beneficial manner now.

Diana Barcenas-Reyes, Sunland, California

I really liked all the information that was provided and the reality on how under trained and educated therapist are in this area of our practice.

Lauren Jung, LCSW, SAN FRANCISCO, California

Great, professional, thoughtful, intentional!

Emily Elaine Zona , Escondido , California

Great review, been doing suicide prevention for quite some time and loved the review.

Briana Yedalian LMFT , Monrovia, California

Great use of citation, very much appreciate the ELM model especially.

Jose Navarro, Los Angeles, California

Informative course!

Sarah M. Scott, Oakland, California

Thank you to Amanda, Robin, and others who put together and offered this course. I learned so much from the course and felt that it helped me understand deeply the issues surrounding care for suicidal clients in the field and how to intervene/support clients who come to therapy with this kind of suffering/pain. I am grateful that the presenters, especially Amanda shared personal experiences and stressed the importance of further training on Suicide assessment, treatment, and holding of clients within a model/humanistic orientation and approach.

Cerise Dossman, Long Beach, California

Excellent material and training information.