
Ben Shuts, ,

I have severe test taking anxiety, and I swear by this study system!

Nery , ,

I prepared and did things differently 1 week before taking the exam this time. I rested, exercise little bit, ate better, listened to Mozarat on my way to the center, and even got a massage the day before the exam. I purchased a protein bar and water. I am not allowed to bring snacks or water in so I tied the grocery bag under the bathroom sink. There is no time or numbers of the questions so I didn't know what number question I was and when was the right time to take a break. Once I got in and before opened the computer, I wrote numbers up to 170 on the white board they gave me and when I answered 100 questions then I took a break. Used the bathroom, ate protein bar and drank water. I saw a clock on my way in and time was 4:34pm. I realized, I had 1 hr and 40 mins left. I completed the exam around 25 mins before. Reviewed around 50 questions and changed 2 only. Please allowed me an extension. Thank you in advance

Rose Chabolla, ,

I passed the clinical exam on my first try! I can't thank TDC enough. I followed the program to a T. I listened to all the audios several times, took the quizzes several times, read the quick studies exactly as instructed, and followed the self-care recommendations. I also used the test taking strategies during the exam and they were lifesavers. I truly believe that this study program helped me to develop as a therapist. Thanks again to Amanda and the TDC community!

Cynthia Lowe, ,

TDC provided an engaging, well-structured, and comprehensive program which enabled me to pass the LCSW exam on my first attempt! Thank you so much for helping me to achieve this momentous goal!

Alexandra Thompson, ,

I felt this was very helpful in understanding how the questions were worded in the exam. This was very helpful, I am not good at taking exams. This helped me feel more confident with this. The exam is a lot of uncertainty, this helped me feel comfortable with that as well as helped me with facts that I don't use everyday or things that were not covered in my graduate program.

Pierre Rowen, ,

I scored 94 correct answers the thei first time I took the exam and scored 104 correct answers this time using the TDC program

A.E., ,

Today I passed the LCSW test! I am so happy and owe it to TDC! I took the LCSW test one time before, studied using other books/study materials, and failed. I was so devestated but not ready to settle. I immediately started looking for a study program and found TDC. I went through the program completely at least two times and constantly was using the audio to listen to the study material. I was also able to check in with my coach when I had a question anytime and she was very prompt to get back to me so I could continue to advance my studying. Through this program I learned a lot and know that this will make me an even better Social Worker! I did the final practice mocks and listened to the final pep talk, increased my score, and passed! Thank you TDC staff and my coach! I couldn’t have done this without your help!

Rebecca Hernandez, ,

I have gotten closer in this program than any other and those I know passed with this program

Melissa Matkovich, ,

The first time I took this exam I failed by one question. I used a study book which covered way too much material and was difficult to study from. I also have a ton of anxiety and TDC definitely helped that. TDC was also very organized and covered the questions that would be tested and nothing extra or unnecessary! I went into the exam nervous, but confident that I was prepared. I almost screamed seeing "PASS" on the screen! Thank you TDC!!!!!

Angela Leon-Guerrero, ,

TDC Program on point. The program is structured and makes it easier to stay disciplined and focused on study material.