
Avleen Kaur, Pacifica, California

It was great, very informative!

Valerie Garcia, Orange, California

Great service!

Sarah Markus McLaughlin, San Leandro, California

Course was comprehensive and informative.

Caitlin Graham, San Francisco , California

Very direct and clear info!

Letriece Johnson, Lake Jackson, Texas

Enjoyed the material was delivered in a conversational manner, give insight from both sides.

Jamie Diamond, Los Angeles, California

Conversation style of instructors made it easy to absorb information.

Narine Zilfugharyan, Fresno, California

Vey good course!

Sabrina Schoneberg, Los Angeles, California

This was so helpful! I really love the handout with the chart covering the key points in the NASW and CAMFT code of ethics!

Paola Alejandra Rodriguez, Buena Park, California

Overall a very effective training and helpful in understanding professional boundaries when utilizing telehealth.

Jacqueline Osborne , Bakersfield, California
