Social Work Exam Prep Reviews
Thank you so much for saving my professional future. I had tried taking the vignette exam earlier this year and I failed by one point after really studying. I did not understand. This morning when I took the exam again, everything was clearer. The vignettes in your study material were spot on and your reasons for selecting one answer over another made the exam understandable. I cannot thank you enough.
Becoming a LICSW has been a difficult journey, but I finally made it! I have always been a very anxious test taker for every test I have ever taken. This was no different and it took me 3 times to pass the LCSW exam. When TDC states that they are going to be with you until you pass, they really mean it. Not like other test programs, they don't charge extra for their services if you fail. While taking TDC program, I decided to sign up for the 2 day NASW Test Prep Workshop because I felt that I was understudying using the TDC Program. After I finished the 2 day course, I felt overwhelmed with all the materials that I thought I needed to "memorize." I became more anxious after that course. I realized that I shouldn't have wasted my money and time and that the materials that TDC provided was concise and informative. I felt that this program has helped me not only pass the exam; but to be a better social worker. Another benefit of TDC is having a coach to consult with. Bethany was my coach from the beginning. She was a great resource to consult with regarding concepts and test questions that I had. To help me with my over thinking, she helped me recognize that I need to look at the questions as "Face Value" and not put meaning to the questions.
Best of luck to those who take the LCSW exam. Don't let your fears get in the way of getting your license because you can do it. The Therapist Development Center is a great program to get you there and I am so lucky to have found TDC and Bethany. They want you to succeed!
I cannot thank you enough for the energy and time you put into your study materiel. I spent thousands on other materials and classes and they do not compare to yours. I will tell everyone who is preparing to take the test that this is the best investment for their future. Thank you for everything it made the difference for me to pass the test.
I am so thankful for this type of study material. I had definitely lost hope, but the Therapist Development Center brought it back!
Thank you so much. I don't believe I could have passed this thing without this particular course. It is a very tricky process to understand how to analyze these questions. I have 20 years of practice, was already licensed as an LCSW in another state and I found the test very challenging. I made it though - thanks to this program. It is the only one I would recommend. I recommend it highly.