Social Work Exam Prep Reviews
Thank you so much, TDC! I had your voice reading the questions to me throughout the test, and you didn't steer me wrong. Thanks, again!
This was my first time taking the ASWB exam, but I had taken the California's written exam three times before passing on the third try. Then I took the California's clinical vignette exam four times and never passed before moving to Oregon. I had used three different study programs and took a coaching study class.
After several years in Oregon I started thinking about pursuing my license again. While still considering taking the ASWB exam I began looking for study materials and found this program. Your write up spoke to me and I felt that this was going to be the program that would truly prepare me for what I needed to know to pass the exam. Truly it was on the mark! During the last week before my exam, I took a test from a friend's study materials and did poorly. It included some theorists I had not studied in this program and some research jargon, so I began to panic and think that I was not going to be fully prepared. I had to tell myself that my TDC had prepared me well enough. When I took the test, the questions were much more like those in the TDC program than the other one that my friend used. I passed!! TDC helped me to face my biggest fear - failing yet again - but I triumphed!!! Thank you TDC!
Naturally I was anxious about the test, however the Therapist Development Center offered a phenomenal program of study. I became extremely confident with the material and test taking strategies. As a result, I walked into the test with the essential and critical tools for staying engaged with the vignette, useful tracking answers techniques and most importantly a great knowledge base of both DSM criteria and Ethical and Legal mandates. Thank You!!!
Thank you so much Therapist Development Center!! I passed both LCSW exams on my first try and felt confident and well prepared. From this process I came out feeling really proud of being a social worker with all the endless possibilities to contribute to the well-being of the families and communities we work with. Obtaining an LCSW just takes it to another level to make more of an impact and change. Si Se Puede! Yes you can!
This program was by far excellent. The course was great for me, definitely catered to my study habits. I had so much support from the staff any time I had a question, and I know this is a rarity in other programs. They definitely taught me to take control of my test anxiety, going in to take bot of my exams with so much more control and confidence. I highly recommend this program to anyone. You don't need to study more than what is recommended by the Therapist Development Center. Definitely listen to what they have to say because they definitely steered me into the right direction, passing both exams on the first try. Thank you!!!