Social Work Exam Prep Reviews

Lauren B. Rochelle, LCSW

The study material was very easy to follow and exceeded my expectations! The study system prepares you for what is actually on the exam!

Mark Mariglia, LCSW

This was my first time taking the test. There was no way I would have passed without your study material. Since I have only been in the social work field for two years and am 52 years old, I had to completely rely on your material and not my experience as a social worker. Your material was very comprehensive and easy to understand. The test itself was not easy but I did feel very comfortable and felt that I was going to pass during the exam, which I did! I can't thank you enough for putting this program together and I will be telling others, which I already have been doing. Thanks again...LCSW.

Lourdes Ixcamey, LCSW

This program was excellent and just what I needed. TDC was able to brake the material down enough for me to understand it and apply it on the test. I can't thank you enough!!!

Aisha Jean -Baptiste, LCSW

I was at a loss before I found the Therapist Development Center.  I just didn't know how to study independently anymore.  Not only did I learn valuable tools and knowledge for my practice, but I became so much more confident in my skill-set as a clinician in just a short period  of time. I was so ambivalent, especially since I have been recently battling some health issues...I mean literally, I just had to have a blood transfusion last Thursday and I still passed my exam today with all of the stressors I've been facing and the uncertainty about my ability to focus and tackle the exam with confidence.  Thank you so much Therapist Development Center!  I will recommend this to anyone studying for the exam!

Rob Valentine, LCSW

The Therapist Development Center is hands down the best pre-licensure material on the market. I tried using the Berkley Training Associates and AATBS material to help with my studies but to no avail. Amanda and the staff at TDC have really honed in on what matters and have created a comprehensive program that provides you with the tools and strategies you need to succeed. Strategies for success, says it all.