Social Work Exam Prep Reviews
I passed my clinical exam today!! Multiple choice exams are challenging for me. This study course helped me go in there with a strategy. For most of the entire test, I actually heard myself saying out loud "Let's put these in order" after I rule out answers that didn't apply. I felt relaxed and comfortable talking my way through it. My knowledge base was strong and I was confident in what I learned. This study system was spot on as to how the actual examination presents. Thank you Amanda and Bethany for being in that room with me today. A million times thank you for creating this test prep system. By the way, the lectures on the DSM were by far the dopest part of the study system! For me, learning differentials was just fun :-)
I found that the information regarding Law and Ethics to be much clearer than that of the other study materials I used. Also, I found that taking another company's numerous mock exams to be detrimental to my score (I scored very well on the first mock, then scored poorer and poorer with each mock exam I took). TDC's clinical vignette study material was organized and succinct, with nothing extraneous. Thank you very much!
I would like to thank the professional development team for designing a program that really teaches the knowledge and skills needed to pass the exam. The audios were excellent and straight to the point. It is great to have a team that have taken the exam and knew what to expect on the actual exam. I am so thankful to you all for providing me with the skills I needed to pass this exam. This information will most definitely help me in my practice as well. Thanks!
I took the exam yesterday and passed. I think using the frames that I had written prior to starting the test helped me out a lot. I know that without the frames I would have easily gotten lost with figuring out the right answer. Also, remembering to tie everything back to the vignette. It was a very hard test. I didn't know the entire time if I was going to pass or fail. I'm so grateful for Amanda's amazing coaching and the study materials. Thank you Therapist Development Center. I'm finally done!
This is my second go around with taking the licensing exam for my LCSW. I'm excited to say... I've PASSED!!!!
Loved the program!!!! If you are a visual, hands on or audio learner this program is for you. There are handouts, several quizzes and mock tests. It was also nice to have the audio segment go over each quiz question and explain why it is the correct answer. Yes other programs may have the explanation printed for you to read but for me hearing it did something for me. This program has a lot of information BUT it does NOT overwhelm you. If this is not your first time taking the test and you have purchased other products that provided you with a huge thesis like book, I promise you it is no way near the load. In a complimenting way TDC is like the detailed cliff notes to what you truly need. It is detailed enough to grasp and understand what is needed to pass the test!