Social Work Exam Prep Reviews

Chun Mei Lam,

I passed the LCSW stand exam on my first try (7/20/15) thanks to this amazing program. I went through all the material twice, wrote a lot of notes and re-read them a few times, and reviewed the practice tests / mock exams - especially the questions I got wrong. I wasted some time studying extra information in the DSM-V. This was not necessary. Life got in the way at times and I was not able to stick to the study schedule but it was okay in the end. I scored around the low 70s on my practice exams. I walked into my exam feeling like I knew most of the material but not all and made peace with it. I trusted that based on my work experience and test prep, I would do the best I could. I think what also helped was telling myself that the world was not going to end if I failed. I would just take it again. It took the pressure off. During test day, I ate before the exam, took a bathroom break early in the exam, and took a break halfway through as recommended. If you can regulate your anxiety, tolerate the uncertainty, and just get in the zone and focus, you will have higher chances of doing well.

There were very few questions on the exam that I felt unprepared for. Even if I did not know the answer, it was often a situation that I had thought about and processed when studying the material. When going through the practice tests and mock exams, there were some questions that I didn't think had been covered in the actual study material. For me, this was okay because I thought about the practice tests as a teaching/learning process. This was helpful because there were many times on the real exam where I was not sure of the answer, but I trusted my judgment based on my experience with the practice tests.

After a couple months off to take care of my self and deal with other life situations, I am ready to start studying for the clinical vignette exam!

Kathleen Bishop, LCSW

Thank you for stream lining the preparation. Everything in the CV study materials was essential to passing. No extras to confuse and complicate the study and test taking process. Listen to every bit of advice Amanda gives you. Let her get into your head and her voice will be with you on test day. The test felt easy, and not because it is, rather because I was prepared and confident. And remember, "no mumbo jumbo".

Vanessa N. Smith,

This was an extremely helpful course to prepare for the first exam. I feel like I know a lot more about being a social worker from the topics covered - it's too bad graduate school was not as comprehensive.

Emily Pinon Esparza,

The program worked very well for me. I didn't have a lot of free time to study between my full time career and schooled age child. I followed all of the suggestions, focused my attention on the key topics & strategies for looking at each question, down to taking a break and eating a little sugar. I passed on the first try. Thank you!

Suk B. Yoon, LCSW

I feel so differently before and after. I passed the EXAM finally after two fails. I got 16 more questions from the last exam 5 months ago, two months with you. Thanks, I could concentrate and follow your directions with confidence. Your advice on approach to each question and each task of your program are so fantastic. I had two breaks with snacks during the 6 hours, I did not have before. I was feeling more comfortable during this exam. Thaaaank you, Amanda.