Social Work Exam Prep Reviews

Nancy Elizabeth Clark,
I took my LCLE exam today for the first time and passed thanks to TDC study materials. In fact, the materials prepared me so well that I was pleasantly surprised while taking the test. Many of the same questions in the study materials were on the test and, in fact, the questions on the test were much easier than the Mock Exams. Thank you TDC for preparing me so well. I would definitely recommend this program to others and will use the program for my clinical preparation!
Leticia Gonzalez,
Amazing study material! I have been recommending it to my colleagues. I will definitely use TDC for the clinical exam.
Nicole Carter, LCSW
I am so grateful for this exam preparation course. I had been putting off licensure for over 10 years. I work with chronically mentally and gravely disabled population. I was so scared to take the exam because of part poor test taking. This course has the rationale, the structure and the experience to help you pass. I want to promote at my current place of employment and need to be licensed. The day I passed the Law and Ethics exam I started the clinical exam course. In 31 days and only using Therapist Development Center I took and passed the ASWB Clinical exam. I'm a single mother of a 5 year old. I commute on public transit 2 hours a day and that's when I would study. I listened to the lecture in my car and during my commute. Hands down I know I passed as a result of having taken several quizzes/mock exams which gave me the feeling of the test but the rationales behind the answers. Honestly learning to distinguish between what to do 'first' and 'next' is HUGE. As a result  of the lectures and rationales my train of thought aligned with the test! As I reviewed my answers I knew I passed, but more importantly I am a more astute clinician as a result of the study material. I've been in the field for years as a social worker with no direct clinical practice and I passed relying solely on the preparation material provided by the Therapist Development Center. So worth the investment! When I got to the last question I knew I had passed!
Ali Johnson, LCSW
Incredible program. I passed the first time getting 111 right out of the required 97 and I would not have been able to do it if Amanda had not taught me how to think through and reason on the test. So appreciative!
Theresa E. Harbin, LCSW
This program is the only tool you need for studying for the clinical exam. There is no guess work about what you should be focusing on or how you should be dividing your study time. The mock exams are highly comparable to the real exam (I found some of the mock questions even more challenging than the ASWB exam!), which was a great way to mentally prepare me up for challenging questions on the real exam. I'm so grateful for this program and everyone's effort behind it. Preparing for the exam without this program would have been madness for me!