Social Work Exam Prep Reviews

Rebekah Nupp, LCSW
Throughout my academic and employment career, I always felt more confident in my ability to answer essay questions. I typically over thought and struggled with multiple choice questions. Using Therapist Development Center's study material for both the Law & Ethics and Clinical Exam gave me the confidence and techniques to pass them both the first time! I recommended the study material to all of my colleagues who have not yet taken their exams.
Ronda McLean, LCSW
I used your system for 5 weeks prior to taking the LCSW exam. The audio lectures and practice quizzes and tests in particular were very informative and emphasized the things that were on the test. I also benefited from taking your advice and taking a break half-way through and having some juice; I felt like my mind was freshened up and I finished strong. Thank you for helping me to prepare for the test. I feel relieved to have passed it on the first attempt.
Teresa Ramon,
Therapist Development Center was right on the mark! I followed your directions and took you in the exam with me. I could hear you in my head. Thank you... I can't wait to submit all the material for the 2nd test and I will surely purchase the next set of study materials. Thank you!!!
Eunmi Kim,
The explanations and reasons why one is chosen over others as the answer really helped.
Erin Graves,
The TDC program thoroughly prepared me for the LCSW Law and Ethics exam. I was nervous right before taking the exam, but once I started it I thought, 'hey I know most of this stuff!' I was able to actually relax as the exam continued, feeling confident with my knowledge of content and test taking strategies. Thanks Amanda for a well conceived test prep program!