Social Work Exam Prep Reviews

Julie Kogot, LMSW

Today I passed my Masters Level exam. This was my third time taking this exam. The first time I used another program and was 15 questions away from passing and the second time I failed I used TDC and was 10 questions away from passing. I was very discouraged and sad to go through this study system and not pass but I did not give up. I persevered through that sadness and decided to reach out to TDC for help. Someone responded to my email within 48 hours. After much thought I decided to try again and this time do it differently. I chose to be tutored by Heidi from TDC. This method was very helpful in getting me to understand why the wrong answer was incorrect and why the correct answer was correct. I was able to use this method when taking my exam. For those individuals reading this who have failed previously don't give up.

Julia A. Lopez, LCSW

I lead a busy most everyone. I’m married with 3 children (ages 18, 13, and 9) and between a full-time job, homework, dinner, and sports activities, I had to make the time to study. I had procrastinated and lacked the motivation to sign up for the exam because I felt unprepared and extremely anxious. I had purchased the program and had requested multiple extensions because I kept putting off registering for the exam and had not been studying. I became desperate and decided to email Bethany and she called me and we talked and she assigned me the task to register for the exam. I finally managed to get me to register for the exam and then I used the 5 week study plan. The test date came faster than expected, but I felt prepared and encouraged to get through it. Most of my studying occurred late at night (literally between 10 pm and 1 am), but I am grateful for the program and Bethany for her continued encouragement. I am proud and happy to say I PASSED the Clinical exam on my first try!!

Kerry Ann Brown, LCSW

I am so excited I passed my ASWB Clinical exam on the first try. This program is well organized and taught me all the the strategies I needed to tackle the exam. I was well prepared and approached the exam with with confidence. I received a difficult version of the exam ( I figured this because it required a lower score to pass) but I scored 15 points more than than what was required to pass. My coach Bethany was excellent, she even answered my text messages. Thank you TDC for this amazing program, I will definitely send referrals your way. The DSM and ethics lectures were excellent. I did not get a lot of DSM questions but I feel much more confident to practice. The questions on the mock were identical to the real test. Great programs ladies, this is by far one of the best investments I made.

Tanya Frausto, LCSW

The Therapist Development Center was an excellent study course both for the Law & Ethics Exam as well as for the LCSW. The way the course is designed helped me feel confident and prepared to take the LCSW. I am delighted to say that I passed my exam! Thank you to all the staff at the TDC for designing a comprehensive, easy-to-follow, course. My money was well spent!

Noemi Fernandez,

I graduated May 2016 and I immediately applied for my ACSW. Upon receiving my registration, I knew I had to start studying fairly soon because of the change the BBS made. I was nervous throughout my first 6 months. I purchased the study materials in January 2017 with the intention of taking the exam in the Spring, right before my renewal in the Summer. I had previously researched this program and knew a few people who had used it (and loved it). Though nervous, I felt ready. Amanda and the program in its entirety is perfectly structured. I really enjoyed the online-based aspect to it (the different formats- audio, reading, asking a coach) because it worked well with my personal learning style. I can't sit and read a textbook, I have a difficult time doing that for pleasure and when I was in school too. I knew this had to work because of the way its structured and the multiple ways of learning. Well, Spring came around, my exam date nearing and I felt confident! To be honest, the final mock exams- I didn't do as well as I predicted so that crushed my confidence a bit, but I also knew that I definitely went beyond the passing score and there was no way that I would fail this because TDC prepares you really well. I took my exam and I actually thought it was easier than the actual exam! There were maybe about 15 questions out of 75 that I felt were really hard and I struggled to answer (marked them to review) but as of yesterday, I have officially received news that I passed and my journey continues! :)