Social Work Exam Prep Reviews

Gayl Monto, LCSW

I passed... and with wiggle room!! Thanks so much for being a comprehensive, easy to navigate, trusted program! You provided the information in a succinct, "test like," and direct outline. I utilized everything and it was worth it. Thanks for giving me the confidence to PASS. TDC definitely solidified the DSM-5, Code of Ethics, and Crisis Intervention skills and knowledge to make me a better social worker.

Aracely Rodriguez, LCSW

The material was easy to follow, which made it easy to remember key concepts. Loved the fact that I can email Bethany and she simplified material allowing me to understand and comprehend areas that I was struggling with. The additional study test were great for practice as well.

Candelario Jack Castillo III, LCSW

I went into the exam just like the final pep talk stated, ready to ATTACK. I wasn't nervous at any point in the exam and used several of the test taking techniques throughout the 3.75 hours it took to complete. Well worth the money and time. Thank you so much.

Susanne Snowen, LCSW

I am so pleased to have passed my exam on the first go and I could not have done it without the Therapist Development Center, as I have historically not been a good test taker. I listened to the audio lectures three times. The first two times, I listened for content of the study material and the last time I listened for content of the conversation, which was very helpful. There are little gems in the discussion parts of the lecture that help you get a sense of how to sort through the information to find the correct answer on the exam.
Thank you!

Vivian Ryu, LCSW

I want to sincerely thank Amanda and the TDC crew. This year has been very transformative for me, with a divorce, and being the primary caretaker for my two little children (one of them having complex needs). The early part of this year was spent on transitioning to living on our own, advocating with my daughter's school and dealing with health challenges. I realized that I had procrastinated with studying for the exam because I was struggling with pretest questions. After my daughter was identified to have learning difficulties, I also realized that I have lived with learning and attention differences, which I had been able to compensate for in the past by sacrificing my personal time to catch up with. I no longer had personal time and did not know how to start to study. With other study programs I was able to understand and recall materials fine. But with the practice test I would bomb them without really understanding why. When I started the TDC program, I was able to relate to the brain based approach to learning. I quickly realized that my brain would hyperfocus on the dominate concept and searched for the answer that contained the overall outcome associated with it. Thank you so much for being a part of my journey with my new beginning.