
Sarah Fincher, ,

I had taken the LMSW exam twice and thanks to TDC, third times a charm and I passed. I have never felt so relieved. I loved having the ability to feel that someone was rooting for me with this program, I was not alone in my studying and it definitely boosted my confidence to know that TDC was there for me. I plan on using TDC for when I plan on getting my LCSW. I have already recommended this program to a friend.

Erica Williams , ,

I was overwhelmed at first when I started taking the exam. There is so much information to cover and I only has 2 months to study. TDC helped a lot because it was well structured and organized. You cover all the areas that were on the exam. I listened to the audios in my car when traveling for work I think that really helped. The quizzes and worksheets helped a lot also and much of the info was on the exam.
Thank you TDC and Thank you for supporting the Veterans!!!

Richard I Coleman, ,

On 10/24/19, at 85 years of age, I passed the Association of Social Work Boards Masters Examination on my first try. My temporary status as a Licensed Master Social Worker will become permanent as soon as the NY State Office of Licensing gets the results. The exam I took required 98 correct answers to pass. I answered 110 items correctly.
I went through the study program three times, feeling more competent and confident each time. Learning how to approach the test was one of the most important elements for me. Thinking through what was being asked for allowed me to focus. After the first few questions, I was fully absorbed with the process and did not feel anxious at all. I was able to complete the exam in 3 hours, and to thoroughly review answers I had marked for review. I am convinced that I could not have passed the exam without this program of preparation.
For me, graduating from an online social work program in May and passing my licensure exam yesterday completes an educational journey I never completed when I left graduate school 59 years ago. I am very proud of what I have accomplished . Thank you so much for all your help.

Karen Ranee Bardwell, ,

I only used TDC study material and it was sufficient! What a great program! I used the same material the first time I took the test, but only studied for 4 days. This time around, I worked the program more than 10x. and passed! I will be using TDC for my LCSW exam as well! Thank you!!

Jenny Rodriguez, ,

I studied for a little over 2 months and passed my LMSW exam on the 1st try! I felt confident during the exam since it covered most of what I had studied in this program. Definitely recommend The Therapist Development Center!

Pamela Michelle Woodman-Kaehler, ,

Outstanding program for study prep. Engaged multiple methods for learning, everything connects together, upbeat/positive/encouraging! Great structure to this program as well. I would highly recommend TDC.

Rubi Martinez , ,

I can honestly say that TDC was the primary reason I passed my LMSW exam, it has everything you need to pass and it does not overwhelm you with extra information. Will definitely use it for my LCSW!

Weberlyn Dossen, ,

Thank you, thank you, thank you! This program helped me tremendously!

Ana C. Bernal Barreneche, ,

I believe that studying with TDC helped me feel a lot more prepared than if I had studied with any other program. I'm certain it also helped me gain the confidence I needed to pass the Master exam. The morning of the exam I woke up feeling so sure that I would pass, I kept telling myself "I'm picking up my license today" rather than "Hopefully I pass this exam today".


My program Director at my place of employment recommended this program to me for my LMSW. So as usual, I looked into it to weigh it's success rate and compare it with other programs. I was impressed, so I enrolled and off I went. The preparation provided in TDC is solid, and to the best of my knowledge, best to none. I sat for my exam on 10/10/19 and passed on the first attempt. I LOVED the structure of the program, from how to get started, to the final pep talk. The rationales were top notch and they really helped me in narrowing down the answers (especially when I wasn't 100% sure of a choice. When I'm ready for my Clinical Licensure exam, I'm certain i'll be knocking on the TDC door.