
Lisa A Romain, ,

Thanks TDC for the time taken to create an in-depth and well laid out study program. I took the exam today and passed with plenty of time to spare. In fact, your program prepared me so well that I felt like the exam questions were much easier. I was able to use the strategies from your study material to rule out answers and move through the exam quickly. I had the confidence, from your study material that I didn't have the first time around using another study program. I have and will continue to recommend your study program to others. Lisa R.

Katharina Schoellhammer, ,

I recommend TDC to all my therapist friends. It is well laid out, teaches you how to think, and is really interesting and engaging. While it was always hard to sit down and study/listen to lectures, once I was doing it I found it engaging and dare I say, almost fun! Thank you TDC family! Passed both the law and ethics and clincial exam my first try using TDC.

Toni Gooden, ,

I am happy to report I finally passed. Unfortunately, this was my third attempt. I realized this time, I wasn't as prepared before the first 2 attempts. The program is excellent, I just need to focus more, work on my test anxiety and attack the exam as Amanda recommended in the pep talk. Time management was a major issue for me, but I was able to resolve that problem when I became more confident in the material.

Kelly Annelle Jianas, ,

Thank you, TDC, for helping me pass both the CA Clinical MFT and National MFT Exams. Amanda's audio presentations were very helpful and catered well towards my learning style. All of the exam tips were a lifesaver. Good luck to all of you future LMFTs! You've got this! TDC will help.

Cynthia Burlingame, ,

I used TDC first for Law and Ethics, and Robin was amazing at answering my questions. When it came time to study for the clinical exam, I didn't even look at other programs. Throughout my time preparing to take the exam, I emailed Robin several times, and she was always quick to respond. Before taking the exam, I wanted to do a coaching session, and discovered Robin and Asya had switched places, so Asya was now my coach. Although I hadn't had any experiences with her, I set up the coaching session with her, and I have no doubt it made all the difference in me passing the clinical exam. Amanda truly does go in to the test with you. I could hear her voice throughout the exam, and between that and Asya's tips, I am happy to say I passed the exam the first time I took it. Thank you Amanda, Robin and Asya! TDC is the best!