This course provides supervisors with the legal and ethical knowledge needed to safeguard their practice when providing supervision to pre-licensed clinicians. The course includes a benchmark law and ethics test that supervisors can incorporate into their own practice and administer at the beginning of new supervisory relationships. The benchmark test assesses a supervisee’s proficiency in legal and ethical issues. The test assessment allows supervisors to identify knowledge deficits and provide additional training before allowing their supervisees to work with clients. This course also provides an in-depth review of the legal and ethical guidelines for supervision and teaches techniques supervisors can use to minimize their risk of legal liability.
Sharon Greene is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Sharon has been adjunct faculty at the University of Southern California and California State University Northridge in the Graduate Social Work Departments for the past 5 years. She is currently the training director at Providence Saint John’s Child and Family Development Center which is a nonprofit that provides mental health services to children and their families. She has been providing mental health services to children and their families for over 15 years. She is a certified therapist, supervisor and trainer in Interpersonal Psychotherapy by the Interpersonal Psychotherapy Institute. She has been providing training and supervision in this model for 5 years and has seen its efficacy in treating clients with multiple psychiatric disorders.
Amanda Rowan is an LCSW and the founder and CEO of the Therapist Development Center. Amanda graduated with honors from Dartmouth College where she majored in Neuroscience. She earned her Masters in Social Welfare at UCLA. Since founding the Therapist Development Center in 2008, Amanda has prepared more than 50,000 therapists nationwide to pass their state licensing exams. She is a certified Gestalt Therapist who has worked with a wide variety of clients in a range of settings over the past 20 years. She is a highly effective instructor who has a passion for collaborating with seasoned therapists who understand what works because they do it every day.
This workshop is designed for mental health clinicians with two or more years of post- licensure experience who are interested in developing or enhancing their clinical supervision skills.
Therapist Development Center, provider 1449, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 5/30/24-5/30/27. Social workers completing this course receive 6 clinical continuing education credits.
If you are an AMFT, MFT, ASW, or LCSW in California, the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) accepts continuing education credits given through ASWB ACE-approved courses.
For the California BBS, licensed supervisors of associate MFTs and PCCs are required to complete a minimum of six (6) hours of supervision training within 60 days of commencement of supervision, and six (6) hours of supervision training each license renewal period. Licensed supervisors of associate social workers must complete an initial fifteen (15) hours of supervision training, and six (6) hours of supervision training each license renewal period.
NOTE: Licensed Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrists are exempt from these requirement."
California MFT requirements: https://www.bbs.ca.gov/pdf/forms/mft/mft_supervisor_information.pdf
California Social Work requirements: https://www.bbs.ca.gov/pdf/forms/lcs/asw_supervisor_info.pdf
California PCC requirements: https://www.bbs.ca.gov/pdf/forms/lpc/lpc_supervisor_information.pdf
Please check your state's specific requirements.
As a result of participating in this training, participants will be able to:
- Articulate the legal and ethical requirements of supervisors.
- Explain how to utilize the benchmark test with supervisees.
- Describe the purpose and benefit of contracting with supervisees.
- Describe the ethical obligations of supervisors to their supervisees and to the profession.
- Articulate how different professional associations address cultural diversity in supervision.
- Define vicarious liability and identify at least 3 steps a supervisor can take to decrease their risk
- Introduction
- Benchmark Law and Ethics Quiz
- Review Benchmark Law and Ethics Quiz
- Review of Ethical Issues
a. Contracting in Supervision
b. Scope of Competence
c. Cultural Diversity
d. Countertransference
e. Dual Relationships
CE Credits: 6 Hours
REGISTRATION: Please register online at www.therapistdevelopmentcenter.com
HOW TO ACCESS THIS COURSE: Once registered, participants will be able to download the handouts and listen to recorded audio lectures.
PRICE: $72
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: The participant will be able to print their certificate of completion immediately after receiving a score of 80% or better on the post test and completing the course evaluation.
CANCELLATION POLICY: If you contact us prior to utilizing your course, you may receive a tuition refund less a $10 cancellation fee.
GRIEVANCE POLICY: Your satisfaction is our goal. To view our grievance policy, click here.
ADA NEEDS: We are happy to accommodate your ADA needs, please email: help@therapistdevelopmentcenter.com.
DATE PUBLISHED: October 2024
CONTACT INFORMATION: Therapist Development Center
Email: help@therapistdevelopmentcenter.com
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