When will I be eligible to take the California MFT Clinical Exam?

The MFT Clinical Exam is the final step on the path to licensure. The following requirements must be satisfied to be eligible to sit for the California MFT Clinical Exam:

  • Obtain qualifying master’s degree and complete additional coursework
  • Completion of  3,000 hours of experience over the course of 104 weeks or more
  • Take and pass the CA Law and Ethics Exam (once you pass, you do not need to take the exam again)
  • Submit application for licensure and examination to the BBS: https://www.bbs.ca.gov/pdf/forms/mft/mftapp.pdf
  • You must take the exam within one year from the date you receive initial approval. If you do not complete the exam in this timeframe, your application will be considered abandoned. If an application is abandoned, you would need to re-apply and would lose any hours of experience that are more than six (6) years old (with exception of 500 hours accrued as trainee)