Victoria Shuts


Thank you for the excellent training and prep for both the written and the MFT CVE. I passed the written exam the first time I took it.  The strategies were excellent and I believe the personal coaching is what really propelled my success.  When I took the CVE approximately 6 weeks later, I failed the exam.  However, I was slightly ill on exam day, did not use the frames (much) and forgot my anxiety management strategy of closing my eyes or looking away from the screen every 10 questions.   I just passed the CVE exam on 4/22/14.  I was far more prepared, used the frames and grid, and felt confident and mindful of leaning into the test.  The other thing that helped tremendously was reminding myself that this is a reading comprehension test.  This helped me stay focused on being present with the vignettes, and the questions being asked.  I am also grateful to Robin's excellent coaching session 2 days before the exam. Thank you TDC and your excellent team!