Octavio Magaña Jr.

After one failed attempt, I passed the LCSW Standard Written Exam. I have to admit that when I first acquired the Therapist Development Center study program and saw the material, I was skeptical; I could not believe that that would be all that I needed to pass. I was used to having two books full of mumbo jumbo that is not on the test. I found that with the other study material, I was focusing more on the things that sounded more complicated and that ended up not being on the test. Therapist Development Center's concepts and teachings were SPOT ON. All the tips on what words to avoid and the Ah Ha! Moments were extremely helpful. The first time I took the test I knew I was failing and wanted to just bail out because I was 1,000% sure that I was not going to pass. This time after the TDC course I was 1,000% sure that I was passing, I understood everything that was being asked and was able to take two five minute breaks and I had plenty of time to review the marked answers (eighteen) out of which I only changed one answer. I highly recommend this course. One of the best investments of my life. Now off to pass test #2 with the Therapist Development Center by my side.