Mona Snowden Wilson


I took the LCSW exam this morning and passed!  I can't thank you enough and have already shared my experience with TDC with my colleagues. Confession: I have test anxiety, so I caved and I did use other study systems (AATBS flash cards, practice tests, other random practice tests), but I do believe that your system really made the difference. I could have saved the extra money I spent. It is impossible to "memorize" everything that may show up on the test and I feel TDC adequately prepared me for the reality of the test, not just through the materials, but by addressing test anxiety, ambiguity, pacing, etc. After all the hours spent listening to lectures and rationales, I can heartily agree with other clients who said they felt like TDC was in the test with them.  Thanks again! I am so glad I made the choice to go with TDC.