Julie A. Setnan


Without a single doubt I know this program was the most significant reason I passed my LCSW exam on the first attempt. I would not have been fully prepared without it! Most important though is that I am thrilled with the amount of information I learned that will serve me well in all of my future endeavors as a therapist. Truly Amanda and the rest of the TDC team we’re with me during my entire exam-spurring me on to success! The test-taking strategies you teach were another major factor in my positive result on my first attempt. Not only would I recommend TDC to others in the future but, I have already shared repeatedly my experience to anyone who has asked for helpful ideas on the Facebook study groups which is an attempt at paying it forward to those that told me about it this past spring. I did two complete loops through the entire program before taking both final mock exams and that was pivotal to my success, as well. Thank you so much for providing me with the tools I needed to make this dream of mine a reality. Worth every single penny!!!