Josephine Sharkey


I am 22 years out of grad school. I took 10 years off from SW, had 3 kids and went back to the field a few years ago. I was so far from my education when I started studying. In my pretest I scored a 48%. What I liked about this program was the mix of audio, quizzes and then tests. Little by little, I retained more and more information . When I hit what felt like plateau, I reached out to the coaches and was redirected to an early lecture about test strategy. I believe that lecture is what brought me over from close to passing to definitely passing. Most of my exam questions were "what should the SW do first." This took a while for me to grasp. 20 questions into the exam and I was confident I was going to pass because I felt well prepared. I can't say enough about this program. Having my LCSW will be a career changer for me. I am sooo happy! My employer even reimbursed me for this program. I just can't say enough about my experience. This program is worth the money. Before I close, I wanted to say I especially liked that the program was going to be available to me until I passed. I subscribed to this program way before I was ready to start studying. At the time I had all intentions to start studying but life happened. No problem, I asked for an extension a couple of times and it was granted. There were no worries.