Debra Warner


I passed my Written Exams using the AATBS and decided to change to the Therapist Development Center for my Clinical Vignettes.  This system was easy-to-follow and made sense.  My test anxiety was greatly reduced.  After completing this program, I went back to
the AATBS to go through some of their materials.  Two days prior to my exams, I took the Mock Exams with the Therapist Development Center and passed them.Because I was curious and nervous about the upcoming examination, I took the AATBS practice exams the day before and failed them both.  I was petrified and was certain that I wouldn't pass my Clinical portion.  I decided to take a deep breath and when I sat down to take the exams yesterday, "I leaned in, relaxed, focused, and used the techniques from the Therapist Development Center."  The Clinical Vignette Exam was so simple!  I want to thank you for developing a study system that helped make this process stress free and rewarding.