Alecia Peters


I have taken my LMSW Exam many times before and I usually would use a study guide. I even gave up and thought that my dream of becoming a social worker would not ever happen. I was encouraged by my coworkers to try again. Someone referred TDC. I prayed about it and made the decision to use TDC. I spent two months studying, listening to the recordings, and praying to God to help me to pass. The website is extremely user friendly!! I am an auditoral and visual learner so this program was perfect for me. I reached out to Coach Heidi for additional guidance and was very patient and practical. She was INCREDIBLE!!!! Today I just took my LMSW and I PASSED!!!!!! I am EXTREMELY GRATEFUL FOR THE TDC PROGRAM!!! God used Amanda, Emily, and Heidi to help me to manifest my dream!!!!! I plan to highly recommend TDC to everyone!!!! Thank you very much for making a difference in my life!!!!!