Kellee White


TDC completely prepared me to pass the written exam. TDC techniques were invaluable. As difficult as this exam was I felt completely prepared for the exam and felt TDC behind me the entire way saying WHAT WOULD YOU DO FIRST. Also, TDC was right --I felt like I had not passed--BUT I DID!!!!! Very difficult exam but COULD NOT HAVE SUCCEEDED WITHOUT TDC. THANK YOU TDC!!


Sarah Wright


I loved using the TDC materials. It felt like I was taking a class for studying, and I didn't have to figure out "what" to study because it was all laid out for me in an easy lecture, worksheet, and practice test formula. I actually enjoyed the studying process instead of being completely overwhelmed by it. Thank you, TDC, for helping me pass my first MFT exam!


Aimee Pomerleau


I very much enjoyed the study material, which was well organized and contained. Apart from studying for the exam, TDC's materials helped me to deepen into my responsibilities as a therapist.  I felt like I had the skills and knowledge to pass this exam.


Lane Ratchford


I am so grateful for TDC's preparation for the exam. The important strengths were: making friends with the exam (i.e., trusting myself and the questions themselves), managing anxiety and expectations, being prepared for the experience itself rather than memorizing a bunch of content. A friend sent me the AATBS materials, which I didn't end up using, but it was amazing to compare the amount of overwork I would have done had I used them. To say it again, I am so grateful!


Julia Chen


I kept hearing Amanda's voice in my head, coaching me through the exam!  It worked. This is a very helpful program and I am really glad that I used it to study. Thank you!


Shoshana Green


Hands down these study materials were exceptional and helped me pass the test. Amanda's voice was with me the whole time and helped me finish strong. I used all the strategies and I'm so grateful to you TDC for spending the time to really put something together that was so organized, thorough, thoughtful and supportive. I feel proud of myself and learned a lot about my own thought patterns around test taking, which is invaluable.


E. Spartos


Wow! I passed! I was stunned I passed. I knew the test would be hard, but not that hard. I used all the techniques in the study materials, and can definitely say I am glad I did not spend hours memorizing information that would not be tested. It IS a reasoning based test, and I was exhausted at the end. It is true, you will feel like you are failing while taking the test. I can say with confidence that the strategies helped prepare me for how to handle the questions and how to reason through them quickly enough to not be drowning without a life raft during the test.


Lisa Aguilar


There are so many benefits to using Therapist Development Center to prepare for the licensure exam. Studying can be overwhelming but TDC gives you a schedule for studying. I felt I knew all of the information that was tested. There were no terms or questions that I had never heard of. The main challenge was choosing the best of the 2-3 correct answers (which the program prepared me for). Overall I know I would not have passed without the help of TDC. Thank you!


Ginger Bahardar


This program is very well designed. The materials presented were adequate for passing, not too much unnecessary details. The strategies for taking the exam were right on, just what was needed to pass. I really liked the availability of help that was immediate and though I did not need the coaching, it was nice to know that was possible. After becoming disappointed with the other exam prep companies, TDC is far superior.

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