Rachael Schweitzer


I have incredible anxiety when when it comes to taking exams.  The Therapist Development Center was the perfect study system for me. I felt confident and organized. I am so happy that I found this program. There is no way I could have held all the information from the other study systems. Thank you so much!


Christina Drukala


The Therapist Development Center is the best strategy for passing the Clinical Vignette. The board exam was complicated and linguistically confusing.  Using the methods and strategies outlined by this program made it possible to find the important bits of information and eliminate the fodder. I appreciate the personal support that is available and especially my coach Robin.  She answered question quickly and was so encouraging. This is a solid current strategy for passing the boards.




I passed both exam on the first attempt! Thanks so much to TDC. Could not have made it without them! The study materials are great! Just what you need to pass both exams. Not too much, not too little. Amanda's voice guided through both exams and kept me going through them. I started studying with another company and felt completely overwhelmed with the amount of information, which was all of it, unnecessary. TDC gave the necessary information and all the indispensable strategies to pass both exams! Thanks so much!! 


Mira Walters


TDC program helped me tremendously! Gave me the knowledge and the confidence. Thank you to the coaches and Amanda. I would definitely recommend to all my friends.


Johanna Hourany


I highly recommend your program.  I went through the program twice over the course of a couple of months.  I have colleagues using other test programs who are studying for 5-6 months and come out of the exam stating that they were over saturated with material.  I didn't feel that way at all.  I have recommended the program to two other interns where I work.  I loved the way it was organized, the lectures, the tips.  I'm so grateful that I found your program before using any others and I will be using it to begin studying for the CVE in a couple of weeks.


Andrew Last


This program was perfectly suited to prepare for the exam and manage a busy case load and family life! The price was right and the preparation great!


Elizabeth A. Santos


TDC, thank you so much for developing this study material!  This process has taken me so long and with my first exam I bought so many study materials and they did not help nor do they compare to your system.  Your study system provides guidance, encouragement, care, and clear insight on how to approach this type of exam.  I definitely listened to your tips and strategies and gained the confidence to attack this beast and I did it!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Holly K. Chapman


In thinking about prepping for the exam I started with the "usual suspects" of other programs. I reviewed their sites, pros and cons written about each program, as well as their pass rates. I was overwhelmed with information and uncertain of what specifically I needed; it felt like I was trying to buy a new/used car with all of the different "plans" that were offered and the pricing of each. I finally reached out to someone who referred me to TDC (Therapist Development Center). What a relief! Finally, a program that knew what I needed!


Amanda Wiginton


Absolutely fantastic program. I used grossman for the first exam and passed but never felt nearly as confident as I did going into the CVE. I passed on my attempt and I am so excited to be licensed! TDC does a great job at only giving you information you need... And doesn't flood you with learning topics that won't be tested. I was VERY pleased with the program. Thank you TDC!

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