Ericka Hofmeyer


I had extreme fear prepping for the test for the second time. I used Grossman's test banks only for the first run through and without the rationales they seemed useless! I mostly did the TDC program as presented and I listened to the audios (all of them) over and over on my commute to work and back. Amanda's voice ran through my head. I also did ALL the recommendations for the test day and I rested.


Ashley Sartini


I am very grateful for TDC and their study program. I felt supported throughout the entire study process and loved the insight TDC offered about the testing experience. They awesome! I walked into my test feeling confident and prepared to pass.


Rosana Ascanio


TDC is the best study material to prepare for the CVE. I actually enjoyed taking the exam and had no anxiety. Once I found the X's or the "no way" answers, the rest was a no-brainer. I thank the staff at TDC for providing an amazing abundance of support throughout this process and helping me PASS.


Jayne M. Marsh


I am beyond grateful, not only for TDC's program, but also that it was the only program I used to prepare for these dreaded exams! With Amanda's concise approach, I was able to avoid overwhelm, stay focused and trust myself.  I actually enjoyed her study sessions and looked forward to them! Also, during client sessions, I was aware of the program's influence on my ongoing development as a clinician. Thank you, Amanda and TDC! 


Gemma Utting


I turned to TDC in quiet desperation after using a different set of study materials for about one month. I was daunted by the amount of material they sent me. I figured out a study habit and began regularly taking their practice tests. This seemed to make things worse! Some of the questions seemed so capricious and indeed, the "correct" answers that I'd get back (with very thinly explained rationales) were making me angry - they were often wrong!


Christina Jerrold


After having passed the MFT Standard Written Exam with the use of TDC's study materials, I purchased the next set of workshops with TDC.  I'm so grateful that I did!  The workshops were so straightforward, clear and the strategies were lifesavers!!  I asked for help from Robin, the coach with TDC.  She called me back to discuss a key strategy for this exam, "frames".  She guided me through a question from a practice vignette, which was so incredibly helpful!!  Once I practiced the strategies through the 


Nicole Schallberger


I had previously bought Grossman's study materials and felt overwhelmed by not knowing exactly what to study and being left with so much material. After hearing so many co-workers talk about TDC, I decided to bite the bullet and buy the program. I couldn't have been more pleased with the simplicity of the program and how Amanda broke everything down so that it made sense. I studied for about 5 weeks and reviewed the material once before going into the exam.


Liza Gant


Deeply grateful for Therapist Development Center as I prepared for the MFT Clinical Vignette.  All of the materials kept me focused on the task at hand to pass the test. Unfortunately, I learned about TDC after wasting money and time on another test company that simply saturated me with information not relevant to the actual exam.  Bottom line, TDC is the best option to truly get you ready for the strategy involved with the MFT Clinical Vignette.  Thank you!


Tiffany Shanks


TDC is GREAT! After failing the clinical vignette exam in June, I felt defeated and at a loss on how to proceed. I purchased TDC's materials in November and took the exam December 16th. I PASSED!!! Thanks to your material I felt prepared and much more
confident than the first go round. The reframing and how to rate answer choices made a world of difference. Thank you TDC!!!

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