Social Work

Heather Ranson


I am so impressed with this program and the amount of support that it provides you.  I often e-mailed with questions for which I did not understand the rationales that were provided and I always got a quick and very detailed response from Bethany, which helped me to understand things better. I questioned my confidence many times when I did not feel as though I knew certain content and got tremendous reassurance from Bethany, who let me know that it was okay not to be familiar with every term, strategy, medication, or solution to the questions.


James F. Stewart


Kudos to The Therapist Development Center!  You have a great teaching program.   I felt that the information, practical aspects, and the ability to re-take the tests, quizzes, and practice exams multiple times really helped to re-orientate myself to the format of the exam itself. Also, thank you for the extension, which I needed, at least psychologically, to be able to study/practice right up to the exam. I even felt comfortable adjusting and learning some of the nuances and changes of the DSM V during the past month.


Lisa Espinoza

I got my ASW number in 2009 and finally submitted my paperwork for exam eligibility January of this year. Colleagues literally scared me from wanting to take the exam. There was so much talk about months of studying and dry, boring material I would have to drudge through that I kept putting it off. My six years were up June 2015 and there was no more putting off the exam; I had to find a different way of approaching the test. I'm so thankful I found TDC! I started studying at the end of May 2015 and took my test July 25, 2015; I PASSED the first time!



I have such extreme test anxiety that I postponed taking the exam for about 2 years. I doubted my abilities and felt so overwhelmed by the idea of studying and actually taking the exam. I feel so lucky that I picked TDC, because it was the perfect study material for me. I used so many of the strategies discussed during the lectures, which made the test feel more interactive and manageable. I loved being able to think about Amanda's voice during the test. I honestly felt like scheduling my test really lit the fire that helped to motivate me.


Salina Harrigan


I originally used AATBS and took the exam the first time feeling very unsure. I failed the exam by 3 points. A coworker who passed the exam the first time recommended your program to me. She spoke highly of your program, so I purchased it almost exactly 1 month before my exam. It was plenty of time to study and feel confident in retaking the exam. I felt much more prepared. I did practice the framing and was able to fly right through all the law and ethics questions. I especially appreciated the audio option; I'm not sure any other program offers this.


Susie Bookfor


The Therapist Development Center Program is truly excellent. I have a state LCSW from PA from many years ago but needed to take the ASWB to get my license in VA. This program helped me go step-by-step through each module and gaves the opportunity to repeat as many times as needed. I also appreciated the varied learning techniques used in this program—visual, auditory, and kinesthetic to appeal to all learners and maximize study time. I have terrible test anxiety, so I decided to take a 2-day study course offered by NASW.


Dennis Hilke

After two hundred questions, a short survey and pressing the "Next" button, I waited for what seemed an eternity, mentally exhausted from the exam. With that, I learned I passed and I knew it would not have been possible without the study program from TDC.  The strategies worked and I look forward to using the next study program for the California Clinical Vignette Exam.  Thank you for helping me come to this point in my clinical career.


Jennifer Smart

1. I took Amanda's voice and reasoning into the exam; that was the #1 key resource for me.

2. The test is so much about reasoning through clinical issues.  Thank you for designing a program not based on memorization but based on the facilitation of critical thought about clinical, ethical, and legal issues.



Essence C. Roberts


I have utilized various study material in the recent past; however, the information just did not stick. This program was awesome and a great benefit. On test day, I felt extremely confident that I would pass the exam, and I did!!!!!


Carol V. Mills Kamara


I am happy to report that I passed the LCSW on my first try. The only prep program I used was yours. Friends tried to entice me to take LCSW prep boot camps, but I opted to stick with your study program. It is one of the best on the market and I have been telling others about it. Many thanks for the exam tips, etc. Thank you.

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